Welcome to St. Matthew


In Baptism, the Holy Spirit moves us to answer Christ's call to holiness. In Baptism, we are asked to walk by the light of Christ and to trust in his wisdom. We are invited to submit our hearts to Christ with ever deeper love.” ~from the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults 


¿Qué es una Quinceañera?

La Quinceañera es una celebración tradicional de la vida y de agradecimiento a Dios en la ocasión de los 15 cumpleaños de una joven hispana. Este ritual le da énfasis al paso de niña a mujer. Usualmente, la familia pide una Misa o una bendición en la iglesia. Este ritual se celebra frecuentemente en varios países como México, en América Central, en Suramérica, y el Caribe. Los hispanos católicos en las diócesis de los Estados Unidos suelen pedir esta celebración


"The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant, which is more than a contract. Covenant always expresses a relationship between persons. The marriage covenant refers to the relationship between the husband and wife, a permanent union of persons capable of knowing and loving each other and God. The celebration of marriage is also a liturgical act, appropriately held in a public liturgy at church. Catholics are urged to celebrate their marriage within the Eucharistic Liturgy.”

~from the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

Religious Education

I am the BREAD of LIFE, he who comes to me will never go hungry and he who BELIEVES in me will never be thirsty.
~ John 6:35

Mass Intentions

"(Therefore) Pray for one another...The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful." James 5:16


As “A Family of Faith in Service to Others” we share the hope and salvation of Christ, our brother.  - Fr. John

What's Happening

By the Numbers


Families Registered in our Parish


Registered Members of our Parish


Parishioners signed up to receive electronic communication. 


461 people from our Parish celebrated these once-in-a-lifetime Sacramental moments, even during a pandemic.  Thanks be to God!


We did it! We officially reached our AAA goal of $109,000 for 2022.


We celebrate 7 Masses during the weekend.