Parent & Godparent Permission Forms
Godparent Requirements
The Catholic Church requires that all those who assume the responsibilities and obligations of sponsorship for the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation practice their religion faithfully and are exemplary in their conduct as members of the Roman Catholic Church. Consequently, letters of approbation will be issued only to persons able to make the following affirmations and agreements:
- Catholic, who is registered and participating member of a parish
- Not the father or mother of the one to be confirmed. (Cannon 874,§1, 1 and 5)
- Attained the required minimum age of sixteen years. (Cannon 874, §1,2)
- Received the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. (Cannon 874, §1,3)
- Attends Mass on Sunday’s and Holy Days and give witness to my faith in Jesus Christ by partaking in Holy Communion and participation in the life of my parish.
- Actively strive to live out my commitment to Christ and to the Church by the sacrificial giving of my time, talent, and treasure, and by my loving response to my neighbor.
- Realize that I assume a great responsibility before God and the Church in becoming a Sponsor/Godparent. I promise to give support and guide the person I am in sponsoring by my prayers, and most especially by my own Catholic example of my daily life.